Wednesday, May 23, 2012


     Hi! I'm Irene, but my family and close friends call me Reenie. (Though I'm ok with who ever calling me that) I am currently unemployed but with recent events I hope that will change soon. (I had an interview today with Petsmart, I love animals so I'm  happy!) I am currently living in Phoenix with my parents temporarily, I was out on my own until my mother became ill so I moved back to help her out. (Among other reasons.) Though that will soon change since I am engaged to a wonderful man, whom I happen to meet through a mutual friend. My fiance, Kyle is currently in the Army, I met him while he was on leave over the Holidays. Ha it's definitely something very new to me, it sucks being with out him, and I miss him dearly. Though you can't always help who you fall in love with. :) We make each other happy, and that is one of the most important points. Other than that I honestly don't get out much so I kind of created this to express myself, talk about some products I've used that seem to help me with my skin issues and I'll tell ya I have a lot of them! (Buuut I'll elaborate on that later) So hopefully with my discoveries I'll be able to help someone out. ^_^