Sunday, October 28, 2012

Palmolive Fresh review

Hey there, to whom ever reads this. I suck at sticking to blogs as I've mentioned in previous posts, but anyway onto my post!

I signed up for Influenster quite a while ago, and since they sent me my first box of products I felt it was only right to review them. I received three bottles of Palmolive dish soap from their Fresh collection.

I don't usually buy this brand because my father is apparently allergic to it, but for my husband and my self I will definitely be buying these in the future, I was sent three lovely scents, Cucumber basil, Lemon Thyme, and Ginger white tea. 

Reasons I will definitely be buying these:

The scents are amazing, Although I think my favorite scent is Lime Basil, they all are very nice! Not too over whelming, soft actually. And they linger on as you're washing dishes, now this may sound like a bad thing. Though for me, this made washing dishes even more enjoyable.

Cleanliness, These babies are great at cutting through grease. My dad makes a lot of bacon and sausage for breakfast, so I saw the perfect opportunity to try them out. The suds are very gentle, and it hardly took any scrubbing at all to fully clean the pots and pans my dad had used. 

An added bonus, Also this soap was very gentle on my hands, I felt more moisturized than I was before I started washing the dishes, and for me that is a plus since my hands dry out so easily when I wash them too much.

So all in all I will be purchasing these in the future and I highly recommend that yo try them out as well!

Just a note I didn't find any issues with these products, and I don't get paid to review them either, I just get to keep the bottles which I gladly will! :)


Friday, June 22, 2012

My Skin Condition

Hello, I've been gone for a bit and I usually suck at trying to keep up with blogs, but I told myself.. No! This time you will stick to it!

Anyway, :) Growing up I have always been cursed with acne and through my negative personal choices it has only developed into something worse. I have what is known as Hidradenitis Suppurativa, yes it has been confirmed by a doctor, and at first I didn't know what the heck it was except maybe bad genetics', and cystic acne. It started about the age of sixteen or so, right about the time I started smoking cigarettes, now I am not saying it is the sole cause of my horrific discomfort, BUT it is when I started to experience the change in my body. (Also research has shown that smoking does irritate the condition.) First it started with a bump in the middle of my chest, and grew for a few weeks in mass, then stayed dormant... then exploded. Figuratively, of course. ;) I still have the scar as a reminder. (which over time has reduced in size, due to lots of TLC)

Granted, my condition could be a lot worse, it's not nearly as bad as the photos you see in Google, images if you search the disease.Though still rather terrible to live with, the bumps themselves can be extremely painful, they can start out as normal pimple then gradually increase in hardness and size, then after however long it decides to "diminish" becomes soft with a soft point somewhere in the middle that usually is where puss or blood excrete. Mind you, if you have this issue, I sympathize but try not to squeeze anything it, will only make the scarring worse! Trust me, after almost 10 years of dealing with this, I know. Don't do it! Now I am not a professional in this matter what so ever, but I am keeping this blog to perhaps educate people who may have this issue and if anyone has any questions please feel free to email me.  I will try to answer questions to the best of my personal experience. Since I think I've rambled quite enough I'll just make a few bullet point on what I have found to irritate the condition, and what basics I have found that help with subsiding the symptoms. *I'm sure I will update this the more I get a handle on my skin.

What irritates my skin:

  • Smoking: I'm sure I don't have to go into how they are bad for ones body.
  • Poor diet: eating a lot of greasy foods.
  • Poor Hygiene: I think it's really important to keep clean even if you're not going anywhere.
  • Depression: I'm not sure if there is a direct link but I notice when I am in a poor spot I break out more. 
  • Drinking habits: Alcoholic beverages are all in good fun but if you tend to drink heavily sometimes expect your skin to pay the price.

What helps:

  • WATER: Drink a ton of water and you will notice you're skin improve drastically, and no it's not going to happen over night. So keep chugging, partner!
  • Healthier eating habits: Duh, I probably don't have to tell you that eating greens and fruit are healthy for you. Though I just kind of did. >.> I noticed for myself, my body just runs better when eating better! Granted I know it's not easy to always do. I am definitely not a health "freak" but incorporating those yummies will make a difference.
  • Certain skin products: I will go into detail  in my next post about what kind of products, I use and how effective they are for me. (My next post if not published tomorrow, will probably have to wait until Monday as I have a camping trip this weekend. Wheee!)
  • Drinking less coffee: I know this makes most of you sad. I absolutely adore coffee and was one of my main fluids of the day. Though, recently I was drinking it like it was going out of style, and indirectly noticed that my skin was breaking out more than usual. So I looked at what I was doing differently and realized my coffee consumption had skyrocketed with my ever occurring insomnia, so I cut back and noticed it has made a huge difference my skin feels more supple and is clearing a bit. 
  • Working out: I don't have to go into detail about how exercising is good for you but I will tell you it makes a world of difference. And for someone who has struggled with weight issues all my life I know it's hard to get that ball rolling. I've been off the band wagon for a couple years now until I recently decided to get off my rear and do something about it. You can do it too! Just keep at it and your hard work will pay off!
Ok I think this is all I have for now. Thanks for anyone who actually takes the time to read this. And hopefully I can help someone. :) I'll go play a video game or something, while I wait for my honey to wake up.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


     Hi! I'm Irene, but my family and close friends call me Reenie. (Though I'm ok with who ever calling me that) I am currently unemployed but with recent events I hope that will change soon. (I had an interview today with Petsmart, I love animals so I'm  happy!) I am currently living in Phoenix with my parents temporarily, I was out on my own until my mother became ill so I moved back to help her out. (Among other reasons.) Though that will soon change since I am engaged to a wonderful man, whom I happen to meet through a mutual friend. My fiance, Kyle is currently in the Army, I met him while he was on leave over the Holidays. Ha it's definitely something very new to me, it sucks being with out him, and I miss him dearly. Though you can't always help who you fall in love with. :) We make each other happy, and that is one of the most important points. Other than that I honestly don't get out much so I kind of created this to express myself, talk about some products I've used that seem to help me with my skin issues and I'll tell ya I have a lot of them! (Buuut I'll elaborate on that later) So hopefully with my discoveries I'll be able to help someone out. ^_^